How to Install Extension Jambs in Vinyl Windows Podcast: Tim Carter answers a question or two from Steven, or Stephen depending on how you spell it, who lives in Florida. Steven cut into an exterior wall and put in two new vinyl windows. The issue is the windows are not as thick as the wall […]
Cleaning Outdoor Wood and Composite Decking DEAR TIM: Every year, I’ve got some wood or composite decking to clean outside. This year I need to clean and reseal a ramp that leads up into my outdoor shed. I've also seen all sorts of conflicting information out on the Internet about the best way to clean […]
CLICK HERE to LISTEN to Podcast 44 - Repair Handrail Repair Handrail in Concrete and Brick Podcast: Tim Carter talks with Bob in New York about how to repair his metal handrail that's loose on his exterior brick wall. It's important to realize Tim made this exact repair at a friend's house in Los Angeles […]
Best Exterior House Paint Podcast: Tim Carter talks with Maggie in North Carolina. Maggie and Tim are old friends as they worked together to put whitewash on Maggie's fireplace. CLICK or TAP HERE for the unbelievable before and after whitewash photos. This time Maggie wants to know the best exterior house paint. She needs […]
Free Home Improvement Help on the Phone There’s not a doubt in my mind that you’ve been directly affected by the current health crisis that’s sweeping over the USA like a plague of plant-devouring locusts mentioned numerous times in the Bible. These are extraordinary times and they call for extraordinary effort from many of us, […]
Tim Carter may call you to help you during the health crisis. If he does, he's going to record the call. Please read my LEGAL TERMS. The call is FREE. Loading…
Paint Beadboard Ceiling The recessed grooves in beadboard make painting it a not-so-fun project. Painting overhead is also problematic because the paint wants to fall in your face and on your arms. Bill, who lives in Cincinnati, Ohio, asked me to create this column. What are the First Steps to Paint Beadboard Ceiling? The first […]
DEAR TIM: This summer I need to paint my house. I need your sage advice about a number of things. First and foremost is the color choice. My husband and I are involved in a daily cage fight about the color. I want to go bold. He wants a plain-vanilla color. We have no intentions […]
Richard P. Christopher N1LT Dick Christopher was a good friend of mine. He was sent back to Heaven on February 23, 2020. I met Dick in the late summer of 2011 when I re-immersed myself into the world of amateur radio. It turns out Dick was the founder of the Central New Hampshire Amateur Radio […]
Here's just a peek at my man cave wall color and solid-metal door to the right: CLICK or TAP the THREE LINKS JUST BELOW first to see the choices, then answer the two simple questions below: Choice #1 Choice #2 Choice #3 Loading…