Tim Carter demonstrates some very important garage design tips.
Tim Carter demonstrates some very important garage design tips.
Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
Tim Carter demonstrates some important tips about the rough framing at a doorway.
When framing a door, there are several factors to consider. The door framing could be different for interior and exterior doors, and if the door is being framed in a load-bearing wall.
Tim Carter demonstrates in a six-part video series how to rebuild a defective front porch and permanently stop water leaks into the home.
Tim Carter demonstrates in a six-part video series how to rebuild a defective front porch and permanently stop water leaks into the home. This second video shows the hidden problem once the decking has been removed.
Tim Carter demonstrates in a six-part video series how to rebuild a defective front porch and permanently stop water leaks into the home.
What is the biggest danger to a house? Wind, poor soil, bad foundation? No, it's water. Water damage can weaken a house structure to the point of collapse.
Knowing some simple tips on how to wallpaper will help you get professional looking results. These wallpaper installation tips will get you started.
Tim Carter shows how to make a drywall plug out of scrap drywall. This is simple way to patch that hole you might have in your drywall.
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