Leaks around the tub can be due to bad caulking or missing caulk. Preparation is one of the most important tips when using tub caulk. The tub and wall tiles must be clean and dry before applying the caulk.
Leaks around the tub can be due to bad caulking or missing caulk. Preparation is one of the most important tips when using tub caulk. The tub and wall tiles must be clean and dry before applying the caulk.
Drywall corner beads must be properly installed if you want a professional looking corner. Once the drywall is installed correctly, these tips will help with the corner bead. Get it right and the finished drywall corner will look great.
If you can't afford an enclosure storage box for your firewood, try these simple tips to cover your firewood. This will keep your rack of wood dry and ready for those winter fires.
Let me share a true story about tolerance, patience, manners and karma. If you're thinking of coming to the Cayman Islands and are considering staying at the Grand Cayman Beach Suites hotel, then this is a must read. Two days ago, my youngest daughter and I flew here from the Northeast on a dad/daughter vacation. […]
There is confusion knowing how to go green. There are many green products available, but are they all environmentally friendly? The impact on the environment and the return of investment are all factors to consider.
What is wood rot and how can you repair rotten wood? The type of lumber being used today can accelerate wood rotting. There are some tips to help prevent wood rot in your home.
When you need to repair drywall, here are some tips to make that wall repair look like new. Holding the drywall repair piece in place is simple with this block method.
In cases where stud finders don't work, or if you don't have a stud detector, you can locate framing studs the old fashion way. Wall studs can be found using a nail, a hammer and a little observation.
Woodpeckers peck holes in search for food. Here are some tips for preventing woodpecker holes in wooden fence posts.
Who should pay for construction tools and materials? If the tool is completely used up on the job, the customer should pay for it. What about a tool the spans several construction jobs?
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