Tim Carter shares some tips for installing ceramic tile on concrete using thinset mortar.
Tim Carter shares some tips for installing ceramic tile on concrete using thinset mortar.
Tim Carter shares some tips about using thinset for installing a ceramic tile floor.He explains why using thinset mortar is fantastic for ceramic tile and how to mix it correctly.
Tim Carter shows one solution that allows you to cut tile with a wet saw indoors without ruining the interior of your home.
Tim Carter shares a tip for removing drywall that will prevent unneeded damage to surrounding walls. Before doing any wall demo, make sure you do the necessary preparations to save yourself time and money.
Tim Carter walks you through the steps to determine if a wall is load bearing or not. Before removing a wall, you must make sure that it is not load bearing, or you can collapse your home.
What do you think it's like to ride for an hour in the backseat of an F/A-18 Hornet with one of the most skilled pilots in the world? It's surreal and exhausting. If you're not in excellent physical condition, the ride sucks your energy like the afterburners slurp fuel. But all in all, I stayed awake long enough to permanently record how amazing it was. Thanks JB, you really took me for a heck of a ride! Please don't email me asking how to get a ride. I explain in the column that you'll never get one.
Plumbing home repairs are some of the most frustrating for a homeowner. Plumbing leaks can cause damage behind walls and on ceilings. For older plumbing fixtures, a visit to a specialty store for home plumbing repairs parts might be needed. A problem with the plumbing and home repairs could be following.
A wall cabinet is the second most needed cabinet in a house. Adding a bathroom wall cabinet over the toilet allows for lots of storage. A wooden wall cabinet or a metal wall cabinet can match the style of your home, while adding that extra storage area.
To repair a home foundation, the advise of a residential structural engineer is recommended. The home foundation repair cost could take your breathe away. There are several alternatives to foundation repairs.
Home window repair requires a little searching before you attempt the broken window repair. Check with local window-replacement companies to see how the windows are manufactured. You can discover how to take apart the moving parts first, then the home window repairs will go easier.
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