Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, shows the importance of choosing the right screws for your project. If it is an outdoor project using stainless steel screws can prevent rust. A stainless steel screw or galvanized nails for ideal for decks or swing sets.
You can install glass blocks yourself with these simple tips from Tim Carter of AsktheBuilder.com. You can make glass block windows, showers, walls and much more, once you learn the basics of glass block installation.
Drywall tools come in all different types and levels of quality. If you are just going to hang and finish a few sheets, you can get by with basic tools. But if you intend to be working with lots of drywall, it may pay to invest in an assortment of joint knives, t-square, stilts, a drywall taping banjo and any number of other specialty drywall tools.
Here are some examples of wine storage solutions. Visit this company for their complete line of wine cellars, wine storage racks and wine cellar equipment.
These wine storage system manufacturers provide a variety of wine cellars, wine storage racks and wine cellar accessories. Anything from 10 bottles to entire rooms. They do custom wine cellars with murals, ceramic tile, wood carvings, inlay flooring. If wine is your hobby, you will want to contact them.
Considering a wine cellar or wine storage racks for your home? Many baby boomers are looking for wine storage. There are several factors to consider when building wine cellars, including temperature, humidity and lighting. A good vapor barrier is also a must for that wine storage cellar.
Cutting crown molding has driven many nuts. Using test pieces will help you determine how to cut crown molding properly. Here are some crown molding cutting tips for those inside and outside corners.
Installing crown on a sloped ceiling can be done! There are two methods for installing crown molding with a sloped ceiling. One method lets the crown molding float at the ceiling. The other crown molding installation is harder!
Build your own home office deck. With just a few tools, this home office furniture will add to the room and offer you lots of desk space. Here is a home office design that can be adopted to any size home office.