Utility sink installation can be simple with a few tips. In this AsktheBuilder.com video, host Tim Carter shows you how to mark and cut the hole for your sink. These tips also apply to a kitchen sink or any sinks you want to install.
Utility sink installation can be simple with a few tips. In this AsktheBuilder.com video, host Tim Carter shows you how to mark and cut the hole for your sink. These tips also apply to a kitchen sink or any sinks you want to install.
Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, shows how to have some fun creating hidden treasures for future remodelers with time capsule ideas. Time capsules are easy to create and hide in your next remodeling project or new home.
Tim Carter, of AsktheBuilder.com, demonstrates a special drywall primer paint that makes drywall look as smooth as glass. Great for either drywall repair or when installing drywall.
Tim Carter, from AsktheBuilder.com, shows you how to install a door hinge like a pro. Cutting the recess into the door or door jamb is easy. Using a wood chisel, you can cut the proper mortise for the door hinges.
AsktheBuilder host Tim Carter shows how to install OSB interlocking panels over a concrete floor. This creates a great OSB basement subfloor for your basement remodeling project. These basement subfloor systems have a feature for leveling the OSB subfloor.
Wood filler and wood putty can completely hide holes in stained wood, if properly applied. Tim Carter shows you how to get a perfect finish when using wood putty and carpenters wood filler on stained wood. Some plastic wood filler, or other types of compounds, contain resins and other chemicals which can create marks in your wood. Wood putty comes in different colors and you can mix them to get the correct color match. Once the hole is filled, put one additional layer of stain on the entire piece and you won't be able to see where the holes were.
Utility sinks can be hung with a bracket instead of dealing with legs. Tim Carter demonstrates how to install utility sinks or a laundry tub without needing legs. No legs helps with storage underneath the laundry utility sink and for cleaning under it. A few measurements need to be made, then using stud anchors, you will have your wall mount utility sink.
A fire sprinkler system can save you a lot of money and hassle if there is a fire in your home. Tim Carter of AsktheBuilder.com discusses all new fire sprinkler design and how to install them.
Finishing a wood desk is very simple. AsktheBuilder.com host Tim Carter shares one technique for wood finishing your home office furniture.
For those times you have to cut a groove or mortise into a piece of wood, Tim Carter demonstrates two common ways to accomplish this cut. Using a circular saw, a hammer and a wood chisel is one method. A wood router is even easier.
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