Construction photographs help in many ways - details the construction, shows faulty workmanship, locates pipes years down the road, etc. Here is a list of fifty photographs every homeowner should have.
Construction photographs help in many ways - details the construction, shows faulty workmanship, locates pipes years down the road, etc. Here is a list of fifty photographs every homeowner should have.
Trees add value to your home, besides providing shade. Consult an arborist before construction begins to protect your trees from construction shock.
Manufacturers of noise control, sound control and sound deadening products. Plus causes of noise in you house. Vibrations can be causing the sounds.
Got building and remodeling problems? The YouTube AsktheBuilder channel has the answers.'s Tim Carter invites you to watch his informative and entertaining videos on YouTube - Broadcast Yourself. From remodeling tips to building advice, he has the information you need.
Fire sprinklers can safe guard your home. Install them during home construction and save your home and money on your insurance. Modern fire sprinkler heads are sleek and attractive.
Non-woven wallpaper is easy to install, and it's reusable. Tim Carter explains how this cool wallpaper is different because it doesn't expand when the adhesive contacts the paper backing. These new non-woven wallpapers are huge time savers because there is no need to pre-paste a sheet of paper and book it while you work on another piece.
The wallpaper tools you use can make the difference between a first class job and a disaster. Tim Carter shows the basic wallpaper tools he uses to hang wallpaper: a tape measure, razor knife, several metal knife blades, levels, a smoothing brush or plastic smoothing tool and a large sponge. With the right wallpaper tools, you'll have no problem getting the results you want.
Often, homeowners wish to get involved in their projects for one or more reasons. Frequently, they wish to combine the sense of accomplishment with cost savings. Here are some sweat equity jobs that can save money on home construction.
Disagreements happen between homeowners and contractors. There are alternative dispute resolutions besides going to court. Try these dispute resolution alternatives.
Putting wallpaper around windows can be quick and easy with these tips from Tim Carter. With his advice about how to hang wallpaper around windows, you'll get perfectly matching seams, and your wallpaper will be plumb each time.
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