Two Home Depot employees really did a great job, and Jerry Willis thought he had taken a ride in a time machine. One was a cashier, and the other employee worked in the lumber department.
Two Home Depot employees really did a great job, and Jerry Willis thought he had taken a ride in a time machine. One was a cashier, and the other employee worked in the lumber department.
Home Depot service has Larry Andrews very upset. He remembers when it was excellent, but lately it leaves much to be desired. Larry maintains that phone calls do not get returned and clerks have no clue when products will arrive in the store.
Home Depot has given three installed sales quotes to Victor Masliah. On two occasions he signed a contract. The third time, he discovered the quote was higher than others he could get from other stores.
Home Depot contracted to install a roof on Mr. Wenzel's house in Oxford, Michigan. But the day the shingles were delivered, problems started. Mr. Wenzel had to even go buy more shingles and nails using his own money to finish the job.
Home Depot sells home building and remodeling products. Home Depot also installs many of the products they sell. Sometimes the jobs go well and other times Home Depot customers have problems. The problem jobs generate Home Depot complaints.
Door weatherstripping can stick to freshly painted doors. This can happen even if you let the paint dry overnight and it feels dry. Paint that feels dry and paint that is fully cured and hard are two different things.
Patching plaster walls is not too difficult depending upon the size of the holes being patched. The materials used to patch plaster are special. Drywall joint compound is not an acceptable patching material.
Reflective foil insulation really stops the movement of heat. This foil acts as a radiant barrier both in the summer and winter. The reflective barrier foil works best in the summer when the temperatures are higher.
Hurricane Katrina is presenting unique repair challenges when it comes to hardwood floor water damage, especially hardwood flooring installed on concrete slabs. Old hot-mopped asphalt is causing concerns for quality builders.
A door can fit poorly if the wall in which the door is hung is twisted. Doors are usually flat and the wall surface must also be flat for the door to meet evenly all along the edge of the jamb when the door is closed.
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