Wallpaper borders can really add a colorful or distinctive flair to a room. I have a tropical-themed wallpaper border in a basement bathroom that is gorgeous. Discount wallpaper borders can be bought in many places, but beware. Remember, you get what you pay for. High-quality wallpaper borders cost a little more money, but they are really worth it.
Many people struggle with how to remove wallpaper from drywall. The wallpaper sticks to the paper facing of the drywall and tends to be pulled off the wall exposing the gypsum core of the drywall. Is there a best way to remove wallpaper to minimize damage? It depends upon who you ask.
Wallpaper must be applied over a sound foundation, or it will reveal every defect left beneath its beautiful face. Good wall prep is a required first step, just as when you wish to paint. Walls or old paper must be clean, sized and sealed, and wallpaper must be allowed to relax before hanging. Learn the basics here and get your wallpapering off to a head start.
Wallpaper installation techniques are covered well in some recommended books. Successful wallpaper hanging takes good wall prep and some understanding of important basic facts about wallpaper, adhesives, sizing, sealers and cutting/hanging procedures. Keep waste to a minimum by starting with these tips and advisories, and do further reading to prime yourself on wallpapering facts.
These books are excellent resources for the facts about wallpaper. Do read up on wallpaper removal, wallpaper hanging, primers, sealers and sizing and learn to prep the walls correctly before you cut your first wallpaper strip.
Wallpaper removal with old fashioned scraping will get the job done if you use the proper tool and angle. Wallpaper removal products with enzymes make the job much faster and easier! Wash and rinse walls to remove all glue before patching, painting or applying new wallpapers.
How to remove wallpaper? Enzyme wallpaper removal products put ease into the wallpaper stripping process. Enzymes chemically deactivate the adhesives, and the wallpaper peels off easily.
You strip the old wallpaper to add your own touch, and the drywall is damaged. There's a chance you can do the drywall repair. Follow these tips to restore your drywall and prepare the surface for your own wallpaper choice. Plaster repair is also possible.
Before repairing damage caused from stripping wallpaper, seal damaged drywall with a specialized sealer. Then, seal all drywall with another specialized primer to keep wallpaper adhesive from penetrating the drywall to cause damage again. Learn here how to book wallpapers and what wallpapering tools will serve you best.
A specialized wallpaper primer/sealer prevents the adhesive from bleeding through and damaging the underlying drywall or plaster. Don't let ill-informed sales personnel talk you out of priming the walls before you apply wallpapers. Visit a store specializing in wallpaper to get the best advice.