Tim tackles a variety of caller's questions today. Topics include drywall blisters, concrete foundations, concrete repair, pre-fab homes, concrete driveway spalling, nail pops under linoleum, removing concrete bleed water, new treated lumber, musty basements and cracked wood siding.
Tim opens the show talking about soil moisture problems caused by the dry weather. Caller questions include removing deep mildew stains from grout, condensation on basement walls, the best roof ventilation, wall cracks from dry soil and sewer rats in a city house. Yeeech!
Tim opens the show begging for forgiveness about the failure to post photos of the garden shed. Caller questions include drip edge repair, combustion air intake, vapor retarders, and roof turbines. Tim also interviews Richard Kleiner of the Southern Pine Council.
Tim is excited about his VIP ride in an FA-18 with the Blue Angels. He talks about the durability of his own cork flooring and recommends Fine Homebuilding Magazine for any remodeler. He answers callers' questions on sealing foundation, whirpool tubs, parke floors, lowering ceilings and fixing squeaky floors.
Tim has released his Crown Molding DVD and gives some pointers on tips for old tools, like a tape measure. He answers callers' questions on driveway popouts, a wet toilet base, icicles, vent pipes, bird bath repair, cork flooring and leaking gutters.
Tim gets ready to release his first DVD about Crown Molding and talks about the Home and Garden show. He answers callers' questions on sagging floors, crown molding cracks, fiberglass tubs, dark spots on granite, composite decking and anti-scalding shower valves.
It's springtime and time to jumpstart indoor and outdoor projects around your home. Tim talks to Steve Moore about his company, American Historical Paints, and tips on painting the exterior of a home. Tim answers callers' questions on deck sealer, painting vinyl, preserving an outdoor furnace and washing siding.
Tim announces the AskTheBuilder.com new yellow box summaries for each colum and calls for submissions for funny home improvement stories. He also answers callers' questions about concrete floor cracks, window condensation, black dust, sewer gas, granite countertop stains and composite decking with preservatives.