Tim: Travis and I were just talking off the air, and Annetta, the three of us. We can't talk to Carey because she's behind two layers of glass in the newsroom, but anyway, she might be hearing it. So, we were talking alittle bit about The Mansion and all at once Travis askedme, `Gosh, has […]
Tim: We're going to go to the phones now and we're going to talk to James. Good morning, James. It's Tim Carter. It's a pleasure to have you on WGRR, Oldies 103.5. Hi, James. James: Hi Tim. How are you doing? Tim: I'm doing great this morning, I tell you right now! I couldn't be […]
Tim: Good morning! Welcome to the Ask The Builder Show here on WGRR. It's great to be here. It's great to have you with me as well. We've got a full team today. Annetta: Yep. Tim: (laugh) We've got Annetta. Annetta: Good morning. Tim: We've got Travis. Annetta: Uh-huh. Tim: We've got Carey. Annetta: Yeah. […]
Can you believe today was Annetta's last day? It was a very busy phone day with calls about toilet rough-ins, suspended ceiling clearances, snow in roof vents, garage conversion and much more.
Annetta's dog has growing pains but my dog Cinder is getting better. New columns not published by newspapers are being added to AsktheBuilder.com. RSS technology is just ahead. Pay attention!
Every Saturday morning I wake up at 4:15 a.m. to get rid of the drag caused by sleep. It is worth it so that I can be alert and ready when we go on the air live at 6:00 a.m. It is important to me to give you a clear and concise answer.