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Cleaning & Staining Boat Dock

"Hi Tim,

We live in sunny St. Petersburg, FL. Of course, that means our docks take a beating 24-7-365. My Before Photo is from the roof of our house just prior to some renovations, thus the wood and trusses in the photo. Following the renovation, I was able to focus on the dock.

I applied Stain Solver oxygen bleach per your instructions and was amazed at the results. Guess I shouldn't have been but it was far beyond my expectations given that the dock had not been touched in three years (that I know of, could have been longer as we just purchased). A During Photo shows the results.

I then ordered Defy's Extreme light walnut colored stain. It was shipped for free form Jacksonville - great job by Duval Paints. (No local vendor available.) I applied two coats within the twenty minute window and I think the results speak for themselves. I still have to do the edges and will be replacing the railing but so far so good. Stain Solver and Defy, your two recommendations, did the job. Looking forward to seeing how Defy stands up to the extreme conditions.

All the best."

NOTE FROM TIM CARTER - Founder of AsktheBuilder.com - posted October, 2016: I no longer would apply Defy deck sealer to any exterior wood that I own at my own home.

Tim Connolly


Tim Connolly's Boat Dock


Tim Connolly's Boat Dock


Tim Connolly's Boat Dock


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