Climate Change Myth Debunked

Climate Change Debate | This is the Athabasca Glacier in the Canadian Rockies. It's the poster child for the man-made climate change group. They point to this glacier's rapid retreat and melting as proof positive that man is ruining the planet. The melt rate of this glacier is minuscule compared to the rapid melt rate of the massive continental glacier just 15,000 years ago. Read below for all the FACTS about the last continental glacier. I took the above photo of the Athabasca Glacier in 2012. Copyright 2024 Tim Carter
Man-Made Climate Change is Questionable - Why? Look at the Rocks
SUMMARY: Climate change is real. It's been changing for millions of years long before man started introducing carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.
Everything that follows is a fact. I've been an expert witness in home improvement lawsuits for over 25 years. Courts and judges require me to tell the truth, the WHOLE truth, and nothing but the truth in depositions and on the witness stand.
You need to know the whole truth to make the correct decision about any topic. What you're about to read are climate change TRUTHS that have been withheld from you by the media, many scientists, and others.
It's important for you to realize my college degree is in geology with a focus on continental glaciation. The following are facts found in any treatise on Continental Glaciation:
- Twenty-thousand years ago the last continental glacier in the USA reached its maximum advance
- It averaged 3,000 feet in thickness
- This massive glacier extended from the North Pole across most of Canada, and all of New England down to New York City
- The thick glacier extended across the upper Midwest and much of the Rocky Mountains were engulfed in deep snow and mountain glaciers
- This monstrous glacier started to melt about 15,000 years ago
- It retreated back to the North Pole within 7,000 years
- The climate went from arctic to tropical in a matter of a few thousand years creating this rapid melting rate
- There were no factories, power plants, buses, trucks, etc. spewing CO2 during this time period all those thousands of years ago
- Mother Nature changed the climate as she did three other times in the past 2,000,000 years
Why haven't you seen the above facts that are etched into the geologic record?
Why doesn't the mainstream media share these facts?
The X post below shows that USA Today, a mainstream media member, knows all about the geologic record, but they choose not to share the whole truth with you.

USA Today states man-made climate change is real. This X post says is it's not. There were no fossil fuels burning in Medieval Times for goodness sake. How was it that Greenland was green hundreds of years ago when man was creating NO CO2?
Are you on the side of the debate thinking that man-made CO2 exhaust will create devastation? If so, you better watch this video because CO2 is not the issue.
Do you think Al Gore is a climate expert? Are you aware that just about all his predictions never came true? Why is it that the mainstream media doesn't point out that Mr. Gore's predictions have not panned out?
Do you believe the world will end in 2032 because of climate change? New York Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez made this bold claim in a speech.
Stop and ask yourself WHY you believe in man-made climate change.
Read Dr. Robert Cialdini's Influence - The Psychology of Persuasion book. You'll discover the powerful psychological triggers of social proof, authority, and scarcity which can be used to influence how you feel about a topic, product, or political movement.
You need to apply critical thinking to the climate change issue. It demands it, or otherwise, you could find yourself on the wrong side of history just like all those old scientists who swore the Earth was flat.
Think about that. Think how vicious that argument was hundreds of years ago and how those who disagreed with the flat-earthers were persecuted.
History Shows the Experts Can Be Wrong
Scientists hundreds of years ago preached the earth was the center of the solar system. They were wrong.
Doctors hundreds of years ago believed that blood-letting would cure many illnesses and disease. They were wrong.
Scientists hundreds of years ago stated the Earth was flat. They were wrong.
It's possible we're at one of these moments in time now. The current scientists that claim man is changing the climate may be wrong.
Climate Change Myth Debunked - Look At Rocks For the Truth
My college degree is in geology. Think about the old saying cast in stone and what it means. The true story of climate change is cast in the geologic record all over the world. The facts locked in the rocks are irrefutable.
Here are some basic geologic facts that prove man-made climate change is questionable at best:
- vast continental glaciers have advanced and retreated in North America four times in the past 2,000,000 years
- no CO2-belching factories, buses, cars, trucks, coal-fired power plants, etc. existed during that time
- mountains in the Northeast USA have giant glacial scratches proving the glaciers were there
- enormous glacial outwash deposits are scattered all over the Northeast and Midwest USA from the glaciers
- New York State's Finger Lakes were created by the continental glaciers
- Central Park in New York City has exposed bedrock with deep glacial striations - the venerable New York Times produced an in-depth feature about this
Geologic data contained in and on top of rocks can't be altered by scientists. Rocks, sand, and gravel tell no lies. If you want the truth, you look at geologic data. Rocks don't make mistakes but scientists can.
You can see evidence of climate change in New Hampshire geology. No humans were around creating CO2 to create this climate change.
New York City Glacial Striations - Evidence Abounds
You can spend a day or two or three examining all of the continental glaciation facts in and about New York City.
This past article in the New York Times offers you some stunning illustrations, facts, and history.
Look at this photo of a huge glacial striation in the Pemigewasset River just a mile south of Bristol, New Hampshire. The bowl-shaped groove was cut in the granite bedrock as the huge continental glacier slid over the rock using fine stones in the ice to grind the groove:

The red arrow points to the glacial striation. (C) Copyright 2021 Tim Carter ALL RIGHTS RESERVED
Athabasca Glacier Facts - The Cold Truth

This is a close-up shot of the Athabasca glacier. I was standing on it about a mile up from its terminus. While it seems enormous, it's not compared to massive continental glaciers. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter
It's important to realize the man-made climate change community points to the Athabasca Glacier in the Canadian Icefields as proof that man is to blame for climate change.
I've walked on the Athabasca Glacier. It's a very small glacier. The glacier is maybe 3 miles long and less than 1,000 feet wide at its terminus.
The Athabasca Glacier is thin. It's only several hundred feet thick at most.
Since the late 1800s, when we've been spewing CO2 into the atmosphere, the glacier has retreated less than one mile.
That equals about 37 feet 6 inches of melting per year. You can confirm this with ease. Go do it now.
The USA's continental glaciers were huge. They melted much faster 15,000 years ago than the current rate of glacier melt worldwide.

This is cross-bedded sand and small gravel in central New Hampshire. It's far above the current river bed of the Pemigewasset River. The last continental glacier's meltwater deposited this sand about 12,000 years ago. I took this photo in 2017 at the Pemigewasset Valley Fish & Game Club. The credit card is for scale. Copyright 2018 Tim Carter
Continental Glacier Melt Facts
The last continental glacier was massive. It covered the North Pole and extended to Cape Cod, Massachusetts. The tremendous glacier left a nice conversation piece for you to look at.
It's called the Doane Rock - a glacial erratic boulder.
In addition, consider these additional continental glacier melting facts:
- Grafton Notch State Park was created by the meltwater
- the last massive thick glacier retreated approximately 1,742 feet per year
- the terminal moraine of the last glacier is just north of Cincinnati, Ohio
- the second-last continental glacier meltwater changed the course of the Ohio River in Cincinnati, Ohio

This is the glacial geology map of the state of Ohio. It shows the different geologic evidence of the massive continental glaciers. Copyright 2018 State of Ohio
Summary - Always Look At Rocks for the Truth
The massive continental glaciers were thousands of feet thick. They covered tens of thousands of square miles. The minuscule Athabasca glacier is a tiny pin prick on a map compared to the huge ice sheets.
The massive ice sheets melted at a far faster rate than the Athabasca glacier is retreating. That evidence is undeniable.
There was no man-made CO2 around during the four periods of continental glaciation that occurred in the past 2,00,000 years.
If you want the truth, always follow the money and study the rocks.
Just as history eventually showed that scientists and experts were wrong about blood-letting, the earth being the center of the solar system/universe and the earth supposedly was flat, you may live to see that man-made climate change might not be true.
Kenny Chesney wrote a great song about this. Listen.
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