Everstryke Pro Lighter Review

Everstryke Pro Lighter | It's compact and most importantly it works. CLICK THE LIGHTER NOW to have it delivered to your home.
Everstryke Pro Lighter Review - Small, Perfect and It Works
I purchased the Everstryke Pro compact emergency survival lighter to see how it compares to my Numyth Tohil survival lighter.
I discovered you can no longer get the Numyth Tohil and I wanted a spare lighter.
How Small is the Everstryke Pro?
The Everstryke Pro is somewhat small, but it works well and I'm okay with the size.
It measures just about 5/8 inch wide and just under 2 inches tall.

Here it is with the cap off. Note the black rubber o-ring that seals the lighter fluid in so it doesn't evaporate in between uses. CLICK THE PHOTO now to have one in your car in just days. It might SAVE YOUR LIFE!
How Much Does it Cost?
At the time of this review, it was only $9.95 on Amazon.com. CLICK HERE to purchase one, or more, of these dandy lighters.
Was it Easy to Fill?
Yes, I was able to use my fingernail to pull out the cylinder that holds the flint and synthetic wadding that you squirt the lighter fluid into.

Here it is sparking. This is a cute lighter that should be in every car and in your purse. You never know when you need to light a fire or wave your hand at a concert. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to order one.
Did it Light Up Right Away?
It took me just three flicks of the steel wheel to get it to light because I had gotten the flint and the wheel wet with lighter fluid. After it lit, the first attempt worked each time.

Yes, it sure works! Imagine how this lighter could save your life or that of a loved one? You might want to order about five of these bad boys. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to get them BEFORE THEY SELL OUT!

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