Garbage Disposal Freezes Up

Garbage Disposal Freezes Up | This is a standard garbage disposal. It can FREEZE UP and not work if you don’t use it correctly. This column was SO GOOD that I shared with the 31,000 subscribers who read my March 31, 2020 AsktheBuilder Newsletter.(C) Copyright 2020 Tim Carter
Garbage Disposal Freezes Up - Super Simple Fix
Ann lives in Greensboro, North Carolina and her garbage disposal freezes up. Here's what she wrote to me:
"Tim, I live in a 14-year-old townhouse with almost all original equipment. The garbage disposal keeps rusting and freezing up because I don't need to use it often. I've paid a plumber to come and free it up twice. So far have not had to replace it. What would you suggest I do to keep this from happening?"
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Why Does the Disposal Freeze Up?
Ann probably has a builder-grade disposal in her townhome. These often have cheap parts and the corrosion-resistance is low-quality. The moving parts start to rust and lock together. Bones, celery fibers, and other food items can also cause a disposal to freeze up and not operate. In these cases, use the hex-head wrench and turn the axle of the disposal to clear the jam.
Related Links:
Get RID of ODORS in Garbage Disposals
SPECIAL Septic Tank Garbage Disposal
How Can I Prevent the Freeze-Up?
It's easy to prevent the freeze-up. Just turn on the disposal twice a week and allow it to run for ten seconds. Be sure water is running while you have it on.
What High-Quality Disposal Would You Install, Tim?
I'd install an expensive Insinkerator garbage disposal. These machines have better parts and I've never had one freeze up on me. Here's a modern one that works well:

This is a great garbage disposal. CLICK or TAP HERE or the photo to have it delivered to your home by a magic courier.
CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE BIDS from local plumbers like Ann used to help her.
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