Home Depot Stories at AsktheBuilder.com
This section of AsktheBuilder.com is devoted to both positive and negative stories concerning Home Depot installed sales. Some people do not realize that Home Depot will gladly install many of the items you see in their stores. This practice is not new as major retailers like Sears have operated large installed sales divisions for many years.
The information provided in the individual columns in this section has been submitted to me by people just like you. I always ask for copies of all estimates, contracts, journals, photographs, certified mail receipts, etc. When possible, I also try to get signed, notarized affidavits.
In certain instances, I will contact Home Depot's Public Relations department if the reader supplies me with Home Depot employee names, project managers, dates and a clear record of all events described in the story. This information allows Home Depot officials to quickly look into the situation by referencing their company records. It is only fair that Home Depot be given a chance to explain what might have happened and be offered an opportunity to tell their side of the story before I publish the story on this website.

Here is the Home Depot store closest to my own home. It is on Highland Avenue in Cincinnati, OH. PHOTO CREDIT: Tim Carter
But I will also publish stories without contacting the Home Depot Public Relations department. In these instances, I have kept a copy of the original email I received and will allow Home Depot to have a copy of the email for their records. Furthermore, I will always allow Home Depot to submit to me an official response to each situation so that they can explain what might have happened. As we all know, there are always two sides to a story.
These stories are not intended to harm Home Depot. The purpose of this section of my website is to help people who need a voice and to praise a company when it is deserved.
It is my hope that over time this section of AsktheBuilder.com helps to maintain, and raise if possible, the level of quality in workmanship all across the United States of America.
If you have either a positive or a negative story and feel the need to opine about what happened, this is but one place to do it. Click Here to contact me.
Some stories were featured in the May 23, 2008 AsktheBuilder Newsletter.