IRWIN Speedbor Blue Groove Spade Bits

Speedbor spade bits like this are in high demand. BEWARE: You'll need to keep these away from your co-workers and friends. They'll grow legs. CLICK THE IMAGE to have them delivered to your home.
IRWIN SPEEDBOR Blue-Groove spade bits feature a 40-percent thicker cutting edge to keep the bit cool and sharp. The shank is 25% larger for extreme durability. Get a set now for your toolbox.
IRWIN SPEEDBOR Blue-Groove Spade Bits Will Power Your Profit
I've used lots of spade bits in my career drilling thousands of holes. The first generation bits dulled in no time.
These new SPEEDBOR bits by IRWIN are designed to keep working and cut through wood like a chef fillets a fine chicken.
SPEEDBOR Spade Bits Guarantee Happiness and More Profit

Imagine being a piece of wood and seeing this thing come at you. Those spurs on the outside of the bits reduce breakout and create cleaner holes than if you had washed them with certified organic Stain Solver oxygen bleach. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to have these delivered to your home.

Here's the 1/4-inch quick-changeshank. it reduces slipping in a standard drill chuck. Guess what? It's compatible with bit extensions. CLICK THE PHOTO now to have these bits in your hands including free 5W machining oil. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to have these spade bits in your toolbox in 48 hours.

Look at those spurs just waiting to deposit chips on the floor and money in your business savings account. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to have the bits become your best financial friend.

This is the outside of the durable carrying case that's got a full-length metal hinge. Competing boxes are pieces of crap with their plastic hinges that CRACK in the winter and your bits fall in the snow and ice. CLICK THE PHOTO NOW to have this case on your mantle next to your prize hunting trophy.
IRWIN SPEEDBOR Blue-Groove Spade Bit Video
Here's a decent video that shows these bits in millimeter sizes and 14 pieces and all. Don't you wish you had a British accent?
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