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January 18, 2012 AsktheBuilder Newsletter And Tips

What's in This Newsletter?

Latest News
New AsktheBuilder.com Design
Near-Zero Videos
Reuse-Recycle Guide
Super Stain Solver Sale
New Hampshire Meet Up
A New Product

I have no idea what it's like to be addicted to a controlled substance, but I can tell you if it's like the desire I have lately for kettle popcorn, oh my.Ice on the LakeThe big lake here at my house finally iced over three nights ago. Several days ago, the wind finally calmed, and it was 3 F when I awoke.

Looking out, I saw the lake had flash frozen once the wind stopped agitating the water. All I saw was a giant piece of glass (ice) on the lake. It's windy here today, and the ice is so thin that lots of the ice could disappear. You can see some open water in the center of the photo.

Thanks to you if you voted for Veronica in the YouTube competition. She's going to be featured on the home page of YouTube on January 27th! Congratulations Veronica!


New AsktheBuilder.com Design

We're in the final process of a radical new website design at AsktheBuilder.com. Here's a very tiny sneak peek for you. You're going to be amazed - I hope!

Tim New Navigation Bar


Near-Zero Videos

This past Sunday, I taped about six new video in 3 F weather. It was COLD. I'm editing those videos tomorrow and will have them to you next week. You're going to discover something about cupolas that will blow your mind. Just wait and see!


The Reuse-Recycle Guide

Oh, I'm already getting submissions for the next cool guide I'm doing with your help! Remember Bob who started the wet-dry vac guide? Well, he sent in a photo of a mayo jar. Wait till you see what he did!

Mayo JarHere's the plan. Think of things you buy, use and rather than throw away, you reuse it for some other purpose. It can be a container, it can be a tire, a tool, anything. That's the point, it can be anything you repurpose at your home.

I want to facilitate sharing your ideas to help others.

It will really help if you to take a photo of the thing being reused and send that in with a brief story about any tips on reusing it.

Once the guide is finished, because you're a subscriber to my newsletter, you get it for FREE!

Submit your tip and photo at this page of my website to send in your tip and photo.



The SUPER Stain Solver Sale

It's time for a Super Sale. I can't use the word Bowl in the phrase because the NFL trademarked it.

Can you believe for all these years I've never taped a video with me showing you how it works? Well, I did a few years ago showing how to use it on floor tile grout, but not a video with me using it on TOUGH stains.

Stain Solver 2-pounderSo two days ago, we taped a pretty funny video. Please, please watch the video.

Anyway, the sale ends on Monday at midnight - that's just days away. You can get 15% off the smaller sizes, 20% off the two larger sizes and Free Shipping on all sizes.

If you're a new subscriber, you'll be getting some reminder emails from me over the next few days. We all tend to procrastinate, and I'm here to tell you that many subscribers THANK ME for reminding them the sale is about to end.

But it gets better. I'm giving away to five people a year's supply of Stain Solver (50 pounds). To win, you must send in great Before and After photos. If you upload a video to the Stain Solver Facebook page, that gets you extra points in the judging.

If your video shows before and after results, you get even MORE points in the judging. If you can't do a video, send in great photos. Why? Maybe no one will send in a video! That means you could win!

This photo/video contest ends on January 29th, so you have time to ORDER Stain Solver now, get it, use it and send in your videos/photos.

I'll have more details next Tuesday about where to upload the photos and videos. You just need to order so you can enter.

One of the five winners will then be selected for the Grand Prize. That's a free half-hour phone consult with me. We can talk about anything you want.

These Stain Solver sales don't happen often. Order NOW!


New Hampshire Meet Up

I'm having lunch with some fellow Granite Staters this Friday, January 20th at Noon. If you want to join us, come to the Route 104 Diner on Route 104 at exit 23 off I-93. The diner is about 3 miles east of I-93. It will be a great time. I'll take photos this time and possibly a video if the guests will permit it.


A New Product - I Need Your Help

I need your help on developing a new product. I roughed this out with a good buddy of mine.

Tentatively, we're calling it the New House Coaching Program. It's for you if you're thinking of building a new home and are terrified of making a mistake that could cost you thousands and thousands of dollars. Believe me, it happens every week. People can lose lots of money by making one or two mistakes.

The preliminary idea is a six-week course with one 90-minute phone call per week. Only 20 people would be in each class. We'd have a specific topic for the first hour each week, and the last 30 minutes are random topics.

If you could not make a call, no problems. The call would be recorded and I would send you a link to it.

The magic is the other 19 people in the class might ask hundreds of questions that you'd NEVER think to ask. It becomes a wisdom of the crowd sort of thing.

You would send in your questions to me via email BEFORE the call so I can sort through them.

Here's my question to you: If you had a magic wand, what would you do? What kind of personal coaching would you want? What would be the perfect product to help you navigate the treacherous waters of new home construction? What would put you at ease?

Please respond back to me with your ideas on how to best develop this new product. Thanks!

Don't forget - Do it Right, not Over,

Tim Carter
Founder - AsktheBuilder.com


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