June 26, 2018 AsktheBuilder Newsletter
Newbie Subscriber? Welcome!
Seasoned Veteran? Happy Summer - if you're north of the Equator!
I've got lots going on and a few balls in the air right now. That's why I didn't reach out to you last week. I've also discovered over the years, you can get busy too during the summer months.
Reading a newsletter might be a low priority for you!
Crazy Request 1974 F-100 Ford Truck
I'm starting to look for something I've wanted for a few years and you might be able to help. Within the next year, or possibly sooner, I'd like to buy an old pickup truck.
It's not just any truck. I'd love to find my original pickup truck that I bought new in 1974. I don't expect to find my exact truck as the odds are it's been recycled and could be a bunch of soup cans, a small I-beam, or several refrigerators for all I know.
I'm well aware of all the websites and services that have old cars and trucks for sale.
I'm looking for you to spot what I need perhaps in your neighborhood or town. You may know someone who's got the truck I want in their garage, driveway, barn, or ?
I'm looking for a 1974 Ford F-100 with a three-speed manual transmission on the steering wheel column. It would be ideal if it came with the 240 cubic-inch straight six engine too.
CLICK HERE to see what my truck looked like.
This is the crazy color I had. Mine had white racing stripes that went up and over the wheel wells running front to back. I don't need the truck to be orange! I'm not married to that color at all.
The one you just looked at won't do because it's an automatic and has the giant V8 engine. I'd compromise on the smaller V8, but I MUST HAVE the 3 on the tree baby!
Maybe you know someone who's got this rare truck that's not yet ready for the blast furnace. Let me know.
Klein Pocket Knife Review
I recently tested a very handsome pocketknife. The Klein 44223!
CLICK HERE to check out more photos and how I felt about this bad boy.
Turn off Leaking Gas
A month ago, two friends of mine were killed instantly in a tragic gas explosion.
I shared that news with you and you may have been one who asked me how to shut off gas.
I created this fast page for you. Be sure to watch ALL THREE videos in case you happen to be someplace that has a different gas supply than what you have at your home.
CLICK HERE to discover how to safely TURN OFF natural gas or propane.
Many More Revised Columns
I've gotten far ahead of you in revised columns. I'm having lots of fun doing them.
What's super cool is I'm putting in no less than one video per column. Many columns have MULTIPLE videos. The videos really help explain what's going on.
I URGE you to at least open the following links and just SCAN what you see.
Here's why.
Just yesterday, Arlen reached out to me asking for help about a clogged sewer line. Arlen's a seasoned newsletter subscriber and he told me that once a year he had to rent a sewer cleaning machine to remove roots from his sewer line.
He asked if there was a way to stop the reoccurring madness.
Little did he know I had the EXACT COLUMN with MULTIPLE VIDEOS showing exactly how to STOP TREE ROOTS from getting into sewer lines!
Had I shared the revised column a few months earlier and had Arlen just SCANNED it, he probably would have thought, "Wait a minute! My buddy Tim has a column about tree roots in a sewer line. I'll go read it now and watch his videos!"
Oh, you want to see the Tree Roots in a Sewer Line column? I thought so after that little anecdote!

Grouting Tile - Water is Friend & Foe!
Flickering LED Bulb - ACCCKKKK!
Wet Bar Ideas - Easy to GOOF UP!
That's quite enough for a Tuesday.
Oh, be SURE you OPEN the Flickering LED bulb column above and LOOK AT THE LED light I just installed at my house! It's at the bottom of that column.
You're going to LOVE, LOVE, LOVE it. It's awesome and makes me quite HAPPY because of what comes out of it besides light!!!!
Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com
Magic Crystal Purveyor - www.StainSolver.com
MHz Wave Manipulator - www.W3ATB.com
Do It Right, Not Over!