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Leather Honey Review

leather honey cleaning and conditioning kit

Leather Honey - This is the kit I used to clean and revitalize my work boots. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

Leather Honey Review - It's Sticky, and It Works

I tested Leather Honey cleaner and conditioner on my worn Georgia Boot leather work boots. The results were astounding. The public relations firm that represents Leather Honey sent the kit to me after pitching the product.

CLICK HERE to order the SAME KIT I used.

It's important to realize I watched the video below to achieve the best results. Watch it:

Brush Off Mud, Dirt, and Dust


dirty georgia boot work boots

These were my boots before I started the cleaning and conditioning process. I used a stiff nylon scrub brush with short bristles to remove all the dried mud and dirt. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

clean georgia boot boots leather honey

This is the AFTER photo. Look below at the step-by-step process to witness the transformation. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

Apply the Leather Honey Cleaner

The Leather Honey Cleaner is like water. I applied it as they said in the directions on the bottle. I also used a toothbrush to get the cleaner applied to seams and the contact edges of the boot soles. It's easy to waste the cleaner because of its viscosity. A little goes a long way!

cleaning a leather boot with a toothbrush

A used toothbrush is very handy to get the cleaner into tight spaces. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

Let Leather Honey Cleaner Dry Overnight

I decided to let my boots dry overnight once I had applied the cleaner. The rag I used was filthy after cleaning. I was sure my boots were ready for the next step.

Here's what my boots looked like after I had cleaned them and before applying the Leather Honey conditioner:

clean leather boot using leather honey cleaner

These are my clean boots. I allowed the cleaner to dry overnight. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

The Conditioner is Like Honey

I applied the leather conditioner from the kit the next morning. I now know why they call it honey. It's similar to honey in consistency and it is sticky. You may not like working with it. It's not hard to apply and it does soak in. Here are my boots just minutes after the Leather Honey conditioner was applied.

leather boot after leather honey conditioner

This is the finished boot. It looks almost brand new. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024

leather work boot after leather honey conditioner

This is just another view. The boots look great. With boots costing close to $200 (2024 prices), you really want to protect yours. Photo credit: Tim Carter Copyright 2024


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