Majestic Fireplace Customer Service

Majestic Fireplace Customer Service | The orange arrow points to the gaps that Davey is talking about. NEVER do a modified change or install with fireplaces. ALWAYS contact the manufacturer to see about how the device should be installed. DON'T guess or HOPE you're doing things right. © 2016 Tim Carter via Davey's perpetual permission to use his photo
Majestic Fireplace Customer Service
Davey lives in Baltimore, Maryland. Yesterday, he wrote me the following:
"I have a small townhouse with a corner fireplace (zero clearance) in the basement that was built 33-years-ago.
The seven years we've lived here we've always known there's cold air coming in from behind the fireplace. Finally, I cut open the drywall and found where the cold air is coming in.
I have a Majestic MBC36 fireplace and where the chute (part CF815) meets the top of the fireplace is where the cold air comes in. There are several long oval shaped holes between the chute and the fireplace, they are inside the chute but exposed where I can see them.
Is this an installation fail? Somehow it feels like the chute is short by an inch and half that's why the holes are exposed. Should I seal the "holes" with foil duct tape or do I need a gasket type of seal?
I get so much cold air it spills into the living space above and also make the flooring above really cold!
I have searched just about all your fireplace articles to make sure I didn't ask a duplicate question.
Thank you very much!"
I immediately responded that he should NOT apply flammable duct tape and that he should reach out and contact Majestic to see about talking with one of their engineers.
When dealing with fireplaces like this is necessary to always install them according to all written installation instructions. Davey might be able to find the old installation manual online at the Majestic Fireplace website.
If not, he - and you - need to CONTACT the manufacturer directly. Don't trust a third party in situations like this.
Davey got back with me the next day. Here's what he sent:
"Hi Tim,
Thanks for the prompt reply! I was pleasantly shocked!
Yes, I have actually tried to contact Majestic but they are so mysterious! There's is no address or phone number or email on their website! In fact, they openly say they don't deal with end users and that we should contact an authorized dealer.
So that's what I will do. This will be added to the list of things that were done wrong since day one (33 yrs) most likely by the lowest bidder.
Thanks again!"
I run into the same problem Davey does on an increasingly frequent basis. Companies don't want to be contacted.
I'm sure there are numerous reasons, but no doubt they all are related to money and extra cost. Instead of running away from problems, I feel companies should SPRINT towards them. This is true with products that are directly or indirectly related to life safety.
Imagine if Davey had not reached out to me, Majestic ignores him or a low-paid employee at a Majestic dealer tells Davey, "Sure, tape over that gap." What happens if somehow that tape catches on fire and burns down Davey's house killing him, his family and his pets?
Are you a manufacturer? It's time you figure out a way to have stellar customer service and answer questions like Davey's without even thinking twice about it.