Q&A / 

March 10, 2012 Newsletter & Tips

Accccckkkkkk! Boy oh boy, did my email last night create some bewilderment and discombobulation.

You may have gone to Amazon and saw my How to Grout Ceramic Floor Tile eBook was not free. You possibly got a crabby look on your face and then reported back to me.

Here's what happened. It's a matter of when the Free 48-Hour period begins. Oh boy, were my Australian and Japanese subscribers scratching their heads as Saturday started for them hours and hours ago. As I type this right now, it's just after 10 pm on Saturday in Japan!

Since Amazon is headquartered in California, I'm pretty certain they base everything on Pacific Time. That means if you lived in New York and went to Amazon just after midnight your time, a wave of tetchiness washed over you as the book was not free at that moment of time.

It is NOW!! Woo Hoo! I know because I just checked. So hurry and go get your FREE copy before Amazon starts charging again for the eBook. But wait! Read the next section.


You Need FREE Kindle Software

Before you try to download the eBook, you need either a Kindle, a Kindle Fire (like I have) or the FREE software that can be installed on any number of devices, including your computer. Isn't that cool?

Yes, you can read this eBook of mine on a Mac, a PC, a Blackberry, an iPhone, an Android phone or tablet, an iPad, a Windows 7 phone, etc.

What's more, you can read all FUTURE eBooks of mine using the same free software. Click here to download the free software.


Help Me with a Favorable Review

Once you've read the eBook, could you do me a huge favor? Would you please go back to the page where you saw the book and leave me a very nice review? I'd be very honored if you gave me 5 stars.

Tell your story. Did you like the fact the eBook had cool step-by-step videos? Did you like how concise it was and that it built immediate confidence? Just tell other future Amazon shoppers why you feel the book will help them do the job right, not over!

Your review will really help future Amazon shoppers make the right choice.


Sign Up for the Special Newsletter!

Be sure you sign up for the custom newsletter I'm doing just for you if you want to be part of my new Kindle family. In that special newsletter, I'm going to share with you the new eBooks I'm working on. What's more I'm going to be asking for your input as to what you want to see in the new eBooks.

I'm trying to write all the new books so they fit your exact needs. That's why I need your ideas and suggestions.

Thanks so much for your help and I really hope you enjoyed the free How to Grout Ceramic Floor Tile eBook.


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