March 16, 2014 AsktheBuilder Newsletter & Tips
I'm trying to make this the SHORTEST ever email from me.
If you're a new subscriber in the past few days, this is NOT a normal newsletter. When things happen with deadlines, I have to remind you that an opportunity is about to expire. Today is one of those days.
Treasure Hunt
If you played in the Treasure Hunt and LIVE in the lower 48 states in the USA, you have just two more days to get in your entry for the GRAND PRIZE. CLICK HERE to access the entry form.
Do you want a chance to win a new RotoZip RotoSaw? If you don't win that sweet tool, you might be one of FIVE people that win Stain Solver.
You have just HOURS left to take the New Product Survey. It's two questions and takes maybe 90 seconds. Please take the survey!
Luck 'o the Irish to you in both above events! St. Patrick's Day is tomorrow - be safe!
I've got a sweet newsletter coming your way on Tuesday.