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March 17, 2015 AsktheBuilder Newsletter

Happy St. Patrick's Day! Luck of the Irish to you! Kathy has lots of Irish heritage in her lineage. But today, we all get to be Irish I believe!

This is a somewhat strange newsletter issue. It's a blend of warnings and tips.

Let's get started.

Sponsored Posts and Content

Late last week, I received an email from a company that wanted me to write an article about his client's products. I could pick from a variety of products and focus on just one.

I receive at least four emails a month from different PR firms asking me to do this.

If I was to decide to do this, I'd get paid to write something. Remember, I didn't say I would do it.

The Federal Trade Commission has regulations in place that require websites or authors to be transparent when this paid arrangement is taking place.

You may see a small sentence or phrase at the bottom of the blog post, article, column, etc. telling you the author got paid to say all the nice things you read.

I get these offers all the time.

What I always ask the companies is this:

"If I test your product and it's not so good, will you publish my NEGATIVE review?"

The answer is always the same: NO

I've done my best to try to navigate away from doing these sponsored posts because at the end of the day the ONLY THING I can offer you is just one thing:

My Integrity

But you need to know that some of the content you might be seeing at other websites, or on company blogs created by an "Influencer" - that's the fancy name all these PR companies are calling folks like me in the media, is not really organic.

Organic simply means if you bump into a great product you love, then you tell your friends and neighbors about it.

Be CAREFUL out there. LOOK at the bottom of all you read for the FTC disclaimer.

Tim, Just Tell Me What You Use

You may be one that each day emails me something like, "Tim, can you just tell me what you use on / in / around your house? If it's good enough for you, then that's what I want."

I get that. You're looking for the EASY button. I do the same thing when it comes to technology. I have friends I just ask, "Tell me what to get."

Well, I want you to click the following THREE links so you can see a great product I've used for years and will continue to use. You should use this product on your home.

You should use it to for ALL the reasons I show you on the three following pages.

Each page has a different story to tell, so please click all three to get the FULL story:

Page One

Page Two

Page Three

Okay, did you discover something new?

Did you know everything already about that product? If so, congratulations! You're in a very small group.

If you want to see some funny, I mean really funny, answers, then you should CLICK HERE.

I've decided to offer up a fantastic Rockwell tool as the grand prize winner to this game. You should really enter. Play it now.

I'm going to start sharing other products and companies I love from now on as often as possible.

Here's another one.

Custom Wood Doors

I stumbled across a fantastic company in Canada probably 10 or 15 years ago. They're located just about 9 miles from Niagara Falls.

It's Brycon Wood Products.

Paul owns the business and Connie has worked there for about 16 years.

I purchased special solid poplar doors from them that I put in my custom home I built in Cincinnati, OH.

I had a special custom set of molding knives made that created the gorgeous frame around each of the raised panels in the doors.

Paul still has them and I told him he can use them on other doors. You may want to copy my doors.

What's more, these are four-panel doors, not the more common six-panel doors you see everywhere.

I'm not getting paid one cent to share this with you.

The inspiration came this morning from an overnight email from a woman who needs doors for the basement of her home.

Realize the interior doors you see at the home centers are not the only doors you can get.

Realize that most of the doors you see at the home centers are hollow core.

Realize that you can get AMAZING interior and EXTERIOR SOLID-WOOD doors from my friends Paul and Connie.

It doesn't matter if you need twenty doors or just one.

Reach out and contact Connie and Paul for a price on new doors for your home. Please tell them I said "Hello!"

Cleaning Composite Decks and Fences

Two of the top questions I get each Spring are:

"Tim, can Stain Solver clean composite or solid vinyl decking? What about fencing too?"

The answer is YES and YES!

My Stain Solver Certified organic oxygen bleach is SAFE for any composite or wood decking or fencing.

The only wood you shouldn't clean with Stain Solver is redwood. Use oxalic acid to clean redwood.

New Questions and Answers

Here are a few really good ones for you today!

You MUST read the one about the sink stopper. What a charmer Lee is! WOWZAAAAAA!

Toilet Smells - 12,000 Miles Away

Best Laminate Flooring Choice

The Charmer and the Sink Stopper

Okay, enough for today.

I MIGHT have a cool central vac installation video for you on Friday. If not then, Sunday for SURE!


Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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