NH Snow Photos 2015 and Cincinnati Too
I took the following photos on February 21, 2015, at the top of my drive. I live in Meredith, NH which is in the geographic center of the state. Before we go any further, realize I was born and raised in Cincinnati, OH living there for 55 years.
The snow is deeper south of me as you head towards Boston and the border between New Hampshire and Massachusetts. But look how deep it is here! Another 5 inches fell last night after I took the photos and 6 more inches is forecast in two days.
It's gorgeous up here and the snow stays white because we have virtually no pollution. We're starting to approach how much snow we had last year. The issue is there's been no melting at all. It's magical to look at, that's for sure. READ the captions below the photos.

This is snow piled up to make room for MORE as the cul-de-sac was shrinking in size by the day. The top of the granite ledge is about 18 feet off the pavement. Photo credit: Tim Carter
I rotated 90 degrees to the right to take this photo. You're looking north up my street. The snow on the left side of the road is about 6 feet deep as there's a swale along side the roadway. Photo credit: Tim Carter
This is looking north northeast. That snow is piled up about 8 feet. The average depth on open ground right now is about 30 - 36 inches.
Okay, the following photos are sad. The following photos were taken by my sister on the same day, February 21, 2015. She lives in Cincinnati. Earlier in the week, they had some snow. All schools were closed ALL WEEK. How bad could it be?
Yes, Cincinnati has hills. But guess what? Years ago we had snowy winters and it was cold. I never ever remember my grade school being called off for days at a time.
There were virtually no 4-wheel drive cars back then. There were hardly any front-wheel drive cars. There were no all-wheel drive cars. I'd venture to say a majority of cars now in Cincinnati easily navigate through the snow because they are equipped with one of these drive trains.
You can speculate all you want about why the schools are being closed, but I feel I know why.
Take a look. Bwhahahahahahahahahahaahahahahahaha
OMG! Is that 8 inches of snow? ACCCCCCKKKKKKKKKK! A pop can measures about 6 inches tall! This photo was taken showing DEEP snow on top of her retaining wall.
You can see how bad it is in Cincinnati. How will they EVER SURVIVE?
HELP! A pile of snow 3 feet tall! Call in the OH National Guard! BWAHAHAHAHAHAAHAHAAHAHAAHAAHA
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