November 14, 2014 AsktheBuilder Weekend Warrior
It's hard to make these things short, but I'm going to try today!
Once again your fellow subscribers are CONVINCED you're missing out on some very cool technology. Just click the links in their comments:
Al Lightle: "I like that it tells you exactly when the filter needs changing. You don't have to check the calendar or worry about forgetting it. And who doesn't like saving money? I love gadgets and this is one that looks like it would be a must have."
Charles Maeda: "I hate going into the attic to change the filter. This monitor will allow me to do so only when it is needed."
Lisa Brule: "The peace of mind of not having to check when to change the filters."
Kristina Rowin: "Saving money on utility bills and having cleaner air!"
They all said it better than I could. You should really click the links above and take a few minutes to absorb some amazing simple technology that can save you money and give you cleaner air in your home!
Did you like the cool air filter monitor? Do you want to win one or some CASH?
CLICK HERE to play and possibly win!
Online Research Tip
This past Tuesday, I was at the doctor's office to have my stent removed from my kidney. It was a painless and fast procedure.
The man working at the check-in asked my about my employer and soon enough he discovered I was the guy.
He quipped about how he does all sorts of online research for projects and I said, "That's cool. When you land on a website before you read the column do you go click the About or Who We Are link?"
"No, I've never done that. Should I?"
"Well, I think it's a good idea because in my vertical, home improvement, I'd guesstimate that 95 percent of the information that's returned by Google as the top three results, no matter what you search for, is NOT created by someone who spent decades in the field working for paying customers."
"What do you mean?" he pondered.
"Well, you'd be stunned that many of the websites you are using have content produced by people that have never done the actual job they're writing about.
Some of the personalities on the home improvement shows on the cable channels have limited or no real field experience working for PAYING customers. After all, that's the definition of a professional - one who gets paid for the services he/she renders."
I urge you to start doing that. Be SURE you click the About page and see if you can even find a photo of the person creating the content!
If the text on the About page doesn't name the creators of the content and list their qualifications, you should probably leave that website.
Let me know how you feel about this.
Stacey's DRAFTY Canadian House
Do you have the same problem as Stacey? Do you wonder when I was born?
CLICK HERE to discover how to properly install forced-air supply and return ductwork in a house no matter what it's age.
Tim Carter