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October 24, 2014 AsktheBuilder Weekend Warrior Update

About an hour ago, I sent out the Weekend Warrior.


Everyone loved the video about painting the doors.

I'm getting tons of emails with questions. It's easier to answer everyone this way.

Q: Tim, what sprayer were you using?
A: Watch this other video and use the Amazon links there to BUY IT.

Q: How much do you thin the paint?
A: Watch the video! Pay attention to what I say about 2:15 into the video!

Q: You made an adjustment to the sprayer when using the Pratt and Lambert paint. Why?
A: You can adjust the spray pattern of the sprayer by rotating the tip. You can make the paint appear as a horizontal or vertical oval or more like a circle.

If you're going to paint large surfaces, cabinets, etc. you'll LOVE the sprayer I used.

Buy it now before they run out of them.

There's a BUY button right under video.


Okay, see you on Tuesday!

Tim Carter
Founder - www.AsktheBuilder.com

Do It Right, Not Over!


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