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October 28, 2012 AsktheBuilder Hurricane Sandy Alert

Kathy and I heard you yesterday. We're taking your advice.

I've only got a few minutes here. You may be happy to know I'm leaving a day early to get back to New Hampshire. Even still, when Kathy and I awake tomorrow morning in Albany, NY, the winds and rain could be fierce as we try to make the final sprint across MA to NH.

I got some great tips from others. If you're going to be impacted by Hurricane Sandy, take photos now of everything in your home. Photograph every wall, all your furniture, your garage, your basement, open drawers, take photos of the inside of closets, etc. You want a photo record of everything you have.

Don't be frozen with fear. Get moving now. Forget about material possessions that can be replaced. At the end of the day, they mean little.

Focus on things that can't be replaced. You know what those are.

I need to scoot. I'll be on the road in less than an hour.

If you're on Facebook can you do many a favor? Please got to the AsktheBuilder.com Facebook page and Share the Special Alert I sent you yesterday. Cindi emailed me asking me to put that email up on Facebook. I did it an hour ago. SHARE it if you can so others may benefit from tips there that they've not heard before.

I'll try to communicate with you on Tuesday, but I may not be able to. My Internet could be down or I'll be out helping others. I've already been activated by my local ham radio ARES group. We're at a Level 2 planning to be at Level 4 by the time I get back to NH at 3 pm tomorrow.

I could be out on the radio helping others at shelters for days so I'll be unable to get out the next newsletter.

Thanks for anything you can do to help others.


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