Plywood & OSB Grading Specifications
Plywood and OSB Grading Specifications
The following tables are courtesy of the Engineered Wood Association. They were copied directly from an awesome publication, Engineered Wood Construction Guide - Form E30. This publication is available from their website at A PDF copy can be downloaded for free. The rating stamps for plywood and oriented strand board (OSB) lumber are provided.
Table 1 shows you how to read and understand the stamp that makes up the label.
Table 2, titled Guide to APA Performance Rated Panels, explains how each type of sheet should be used.
Table 3 covers APA Sanded and Touch-Sanded Plywood Panels.
Pay attention as you read. The labels all look similar but the words, letters and numbers are different!

Table 1. Grading Stamps - How to read them.

Table 2. Guide to APA Performance Rated Panels

Table 3. Guide to APA Sanded & Touch-Sanded Plywood Panels

Table 4. Plywood Panels Table 3 continued.
Column B304