See Through Fireplace Smoking

See Through Fireplace Smoking | This is my own see-through fireplace. Guess what? It doesn't smoke!!! Want to know why? Keep reading!
See Through Fireplace Smoking - Mason Screwed Up
Last week I did a consult phone call with a contractor. He was called into a job because a see-through fireplace was smoking.
The fireplace was a kit, but it needed work to be done by a mason in the field.
It turns out the mason who put everything together goofed up.
It's important to realize you need to follow the written instructions that come with kits. The instructions clearly said: "Do NOT install a damper."
Guess what? Mr. Mason installed a damper!
That's just one of the mistakes he made. A list of all the possible mistakes is below.
CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE quotes from local fireplace masons who can follow instructions!
Smoking Fireplace Video
Watch this video to understand some of the issues involved in smoking fireplaces.
Build a Smoke-Free Fireplace - It's Easy!
Smoke-Free Fireplace Specifications
Outdoor Fireplace Magic - Do Them Right!
Tim, Does Your See-Through Fireplace Smoke?
No, my see-through fireplace doesn't smoke. It's got a properly designed smoke chamber above the firebox and no smoke enters either room.
A fireplace smokes because the mason who built it doesn't know about the simple physics of fireplace design.
The Brick Industry Associaton publishes a series of technical notes that show you, or your mason, exactly how to size the firebox, what all the dimensions should be, how big the flue should be, and how tall the chimney should be.
Smoking Fireplace Mistakes:
A fireplace can smoke for any number of the following reasons:
- the firebox width, depth, and height is wrong or out of proportion
- the smoke chamber is not big enough
- the throat above the firebox is designed wrong
- the chimney flue is oversized
- the chimney is too short
CLICK or TAP HERE and read my all-important Fireplace Design column to see all the correct dimensions.
CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE quotes from local fireplace masons who can follow instructions!
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