Sunroom Leak
Sunroom Leak Podcast 58 - Click to Listen:
Tim Carter called Karen to try to solve her sunroom leak. She lives on the East Coast. Karen has water that leaks under the walls of her sunroom. Here are some photos to help you understand how difficult this problem is to solve:
The sunroom leak happened because the floor of the sunroom and the patio next to it in the above photograph are too low. They should have been at least 4 to 6 inches higher than the soil or grass strip you see in the above photo.
Here is how I would have installed the concrete slab:
Here's a picture of the linear french drain Karen needs to have installed around the sunroom:
CLICK or TAP HERE to get FREE BIDS from local Landscapers who can install a linear french drain.
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Home Improvement and Home Construction Podcast
Related Links:
How To Install A Linear French Drain