Q&A / 

Superb House Plans

DEAR TIM: My husband and I are getting ready to build. We have come to the conclusion that we need the services of an architect. Our contractor, however, has told us that there can be a wide range in quality of residential house plans. Is this really true? If so, how do you spot a high quality set of house plans? J.W.

DEAR J. W.: I feel that your contractor's statement is extremely valid. Residential house plans, just like many other items, come in varying degrees of quality and detail. The primary reason for this lies in the training that many architects receive as they work towards their degree. A large number of schools that offer architecture degrees base their scholastic programs on commercial architecture.

This approach is very sound, because the vast majority of architecture jobs are in the commercial field. For the most part, architecture students do not concentrate on residential problems in their schooling. However, after graduation, some architects choose to work in the residential field.

Some may work for an experienced residential architect and serve an "apprenticeship." Others may choose to dive in head first and quickly expand their knowledge through the school of hard knocks. In either case, much of the knowledge and expertise is self-taught.

Hands on construction experience can be a tremendous help for those young architects who are willing to make the investment. There is no substitute for this type of training.

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As a builder, I feel that house plans should be judged on content, not design. Because the plans often are the primary media by which the homeowner's wishes are transmitted to the builder, they must be accurate and specific. Blueprints without detail leave them to create assumptions. You and I know what happens when you assume something.

High-quality house plans often contain an accurate site plan showing the placement of the building on the real estate. Utility connections and routes are indicated as well as present and finished topography or grading profiles. Floor plans are generally drawn for each level of living space.

These plans are dimensioned accurately and drawn to scale. All windows and doors are indicated as well as the direction in which they open. All interior elevations are drawn showing cabinet layouts, all fixtures, and configuration of any built-in furniture.

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Exterior elevations showing all detailing and separate mechanical drawings are generally found on high quality blueprints. Electrical plans should never be drawn on the main floor plans. They should have their own page.

Top notch plans have adequate cross sections to depict all structural members. These cross sections are extensively labeled so that all structural items and construction materials are spelled out. Nothing is left to question.

Superb house plants also have window, door, and room finish schedules. These tables clearly indicate what happens in each room. They are extremely important. Written specifications almost always accompany a good set of plans.

These specifications cover general conditions of the project and often spell out specific fixtures which are to be used as a part of the job. High quality blueprints can be worth their weight in gold. They are the key ingredient to a successful job.

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Column 028


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