Twenty Contractor Interview Questions
Twenty Contractor Interview Questions
Want to find a pro? Well then interview him or her just like you got interviewed for your last job! Here are some tough questions and why they need to be asked:
1. How many people - direct employees - work for your company? This answer will give you an indication of company depth.
2. How many jobs does your company have in progress right now? Will your job be lost among these?
3. What is the average number of jobs you do at the same time? Does this number seem in line with the amount of support staff?
4. Do you have any other outstanding bids right now? If these turn into jobs, will your job drop to the bottom of the list?
5. How do you manage your jobs on a day-to day basis? All jobs require management. Ask for details! Who checks for quality, mistakes and progress?
6. Who will be on-site and in charge of my job each day? Get a name and cell phone/pager number!
7. Have you or your company ever been sued before? The truth is available in the courthouse records!
8. What is the worst building experience that happened to you? Listen! What is the story behind the tale?
9. What has been your best building experience? Listen! What is it he/she likes to do? Ask why.
10. What are your business ambitions? Are the words quality, customer satisfaction in the answer? If you hear, "...make a lot of money..." WATCH OUT!
11. Who were your two best customers? Why? Listen! Do you sound similar or opposite?
12. Who were your two worst customers? Why? Listen very closely..... do you sense a conflict on the horizon?
13. Who do you most admire? Why? It better be the person's spouse or a close family member.
14. Do you volunteer to work at your church? Describe. Need I say more?
15. Do you do volunteer work at your child's school? Describe. Coaching, PTO, committees, etc?
16. What is the dumbest thing you ever did? Was this recent activity or a childhood mistake?
17. What is the smartest thing you have done? Look for wisdom here. Do you sense intelligence or luck?
18. May I please inspect the inside of your truck or car? This tells/shows organizational skills.
19. May I please see some identification? Does he/she show a driver's license? If not, why? DUI, suspension, etc. Stranger things have happened!
20. Do you attend national trade conventions? Ask where and when. Where is the next one? Go to to find out! Have you ever declared bankruptcy or operated a company under a different name? Listen to this answer!